Research Reports

54/2002 Almost summing, fully absolutely summing, multilinear mapping
Daniel M. Pellegrino, Marcela L. V. Souza

In this paper the classes of strongly almost summing multilinear mappings and fully almost summing multilinear mappings are introduced. We investigate the connections of these classes and other classes of absolutely summing mappings. Besides, we prove some structural properties such as a Dvoretzky-Rogers Theorem, some coincidence results and generalize a theorem of S. Kwapien which asserts that T is absolutely (1;1)-summing whenever T* is absolutely (q;q)-summing for some q>=1.

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53/2002 Cálculo dos autovalores do operador de Fantappié
Edmundo Capelas de Oliveira

We present and discuss the study of the eigenvalues associated with the scalar momentum operator, introduced by Fantappié.

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52/2002 A class of real integrals by means of complex variables
Edmundo Capelas de Oliveira, Ary O. Chiacchio

Using the residue theorem with an appropriate contour of integration, we discuss a class of real improper integrals. By means of a change of variables we can simplify calculations by converting an integral which depends on a parameter in a complex plane to another that does not depend on the parameter. We then have a branching point in addition to a simple pole in place of one single (a unique) pole.

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51/2002 On Testing Statistics for Comparing Several Measuring Devices
Filidor E. Vilca-Labra, Víctor H. Lachos, Heleno Bolfarine

The main object of this paper is to compare the efficiency of measuring instruments that are used to measure the same quantity of interest in a group of $n$ individuals. The model considered was introduced in Grubbs (1948, 1973) and the inference for the model parameters is based on maximum likelihood estimation. A simulation study is used for comparing different test statistics for testing equality of biases and variances in the measuring instruments. A data set is used to illustrate the approach considered.

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50/2002 Complementarity and equivalent formulations via nonlinear programmings: numerical results on multi-rigid-body contact problems with Coulomb friction
Roberto Andreani, Ana Friedlander, Margarida P. Mello, Sandra A. Santos

In this work we show that the complementarity problems that model three-dimensional multi-rigid-body contact problems with friction may be formulated as equivalent nonlinear bound-constrained optimization problems. This transformation preserves the smoothness of the original problem, at the price of increasing the number of variables. One may thus take advantage of existing codes for bound-constrained optimization. Preliminary numerical results indicate the approach is promising.

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49/2002 New Coincidence Results For Absolutely Summing Multilinear Mappings
Daniel M. Pellegrino

In this paper we explore the latest advances in the theory of absolutely summing multilinear mappings in order to prove new coindence theorems. We also show that our results of coincidence can not be improved in some natural ways.

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48/2002 Modelos Econômicos de Complementaridade Mista
Clovis Perin, Petrônio Pulino, José A. Scaramucci, Orlando F. J. G. Bordoni
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47/2002 Uma Experiência com Geração de Colunas em Problemas de Corte de Estoque
Clovis Perin, Valéria de Podestá Gomes, Antônio Carlos Moretti
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46/2002 Large time behavior of vortex dynamics
D. Iftimie, Milton C. Lopes Filho, Helena J. Nussenzveig Lopes

In this paper we prove two results regarding the large-time behavior of vortex dynamics in the full plane. In the first result we show that the total integral of vorticity is confined in a region of diameter growing at most like the square-root of time. In the second result we show that if a dynamic rescaling of the absolute value of vorticity with spatial scale growing linearly with time converges weakly, then it must converge to a discrete sum of Dirac masses. This last result extends in scope a previous result by the authors, valid for nonnegative initial vorticity on a half-plane.

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45/2002 Geração distribuída de eletricidade a partir de resíduos de cana-de-acúcar no Brasil: Um modelo computável de equilíbrio geral
José A. Scaramucci, Clóvis Perin, Petrônio Pulino, Orlando F. J. G. Bordoni, Marcelo P. da Cunha, Luís A. B. Cortez

The possibilities of electricity generation in Brazil are analyzed using a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. The traditional sector of electricity and the remaining of the economy are characterized by a stylized top-down representation as nested CES (constant elasticity of substitution) production functions. The electricity production from sugarcane bagasse is described through a bottom-up activity analysis, with a detailed representation of the required inputs. The hybrid approach in the representation of production increases the credibility of CGE models in the analysis of energy policy as the possible substitution patterns in electricity conversion are based on engineering studies. The obtained model is used to study the effects of the reduction in electricity output by the preexisting sector on prices, production, and income. It is shown that the generation of electricity surpluses by the sugarcane agro-industrial system may ease the economic impacts on the gross domestic product (GDP) of an electrical energy supply crisis.

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