Research Reports

40/2005 Perturbative Self-Interacting Scalar Field Theory: A Differential Equation Approach
Roldão da Rocha Jr., Edmundo Capelas de Oliveira, C. H. Coimbra-Araújo

We revisit the investigation about the partition function related to a $\phi^4$-scalar field theory on a $n$-dimensional Minkowski spacetime, which is shown to be a self-interacting scalar field theory at least in 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. After rederiving the analytical calculation of the perturbative expansion coefficients and also the approximate values for suitable limits using Stirling's formul\ae, which consists of Witten's proposed questions, solved by P. Deligne, D. Freed, L. Jeffrey, and S. Wu, we investigate a spherically symmetric scalar field in a $n$-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. For the first perturbative expansion coefficient it is shown how it can be derived a modified Bessel equation (MBE), which solutions are investigated in one, four, and eleven-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. The solutions of MBE are the first expansion coefficient of the series associated with the partition function of $\phi^4$-scalar field theory.

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39/2005 Sufficient Conditions for Regularity and Uniqueness of a 3D Nematic Liquid Crystal Model
Francisco Guillén-Gonzáles, Marko A. Rodríguez-Bellido, Marko A. Rojas Medar
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38/2005 Tightness and Efficiency of Irreducible Automorphisms of Handlebodies
Leonardo Navarro Carvalho

Among (isotopy classes of) automorphisms of handlebodies those called irreducible (or generic) are the most interesting, analogues of pseudo-Anosov automorphisms of surfaces. We consider the problem of isotoping an irreducible automorphism so that it is most efficient (has minimal growth rate) in its isotopy class. We describe a property, called tightness, of certain invariant laminations, which we conjecture characterizes this efficiency. We obtain partial results towards proving the conjecture. For example, we prove it for genus two handlebodies. We also show that tightness always implies efficiency.In addition, partly in order to provide counterexamples in our study of properties of invariant laminations, we develop a method for generating a class of irreducible automorphisms of handlebodies.

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37/2005 Dispersão de Poluentes em Sistemas Estuarinos: Modelo Matemático, Aproximação Numérica e Simulações
João Frederico C. A. Meyer, Geraldo L. Diniz
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36/2005 Inference in the Grubbs Model Under Elliptical Distributions
Filidor E. Vilca-Labra, Manuel Galea

In this paper we consider estimation and hypotheses testing in the Grubbs model under elliptical distributions. Thus is, we assume that the measurements obtained follow a multivariate elliptical distribution. Wald type statistics are considered which are asymptotically distributed according to the chi-square distribution. The statistics are based on maximum likelihood estimator, in sample mean and sample covariance. matrix.Mathematics Subject Classifications (2000):

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35/2005 Nonsmooth Continuous-Time Multiobjective Optimization Problems
L. Batista dos Santos, Adilson J. Vieira-Brandão, R. Osuna-Gómez, Marko A. Rojas-Medar

We discuss necessary and sufficient conditions of optimality for nonsmooth continuous-time multiobjective optimization problems under generalized convexity assumptions.

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34/2005 Semigroups in Symmetric Lie Groups
Laércio J. dos Santos, Luiz A. B. San Martin

Let $G$ be a connected noncompact semi-simple real Lie group, $\tau $ an involutive automorphism of $G,$ and $L$ a subgroup of $G$ such that $G_{0}^{\tau }\subset L\subset G^{\tau }.$ In this article we give conditions on $x\in G$ such that the semigroup generated by the coset $Lx$ has nonempty interior in $G$. As a consequence we prove that for several $\tau $ the fixed point group $G^{\tau }$ is a maximal semigroup.

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33/2005 Invariant Cones and Convex Sets for Bilinear Control Systems and Parabolic Type of Semigroups
Osvaldo G. do Rocio, Luiz A. B. San Martin, Alexandre J. Santana

This paper studies invariant cones for bilinear control systems, and relates them to the controllability of the system. The full picture is provided by the parabolic type of a semigroup.

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32/2005 Decomposition of Fuzzy Sets and Multilinearization for the Extension Principle
Yurilev Chalco-Cano, Marko A. Rojas-Medar, Osvaldo R. Saavedra, Heriberto Román-Flores

In this article we present a proposal for the descomposition of large uncertainties associated with a fuzzy set $u$ and the multilinearization of a function $f$ to be used in the approximation of the fuzzy set $\hat{f}(u) obtained by extension principle. Also, we present conditions on $f$ assuring that $\hat{f}$ preserves differentiability.

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31/2005 Invexity and the Kuhn-Tucker Theorem in the Continuous-time Context
Valeriano A. de Oliveira, Marko A. Rojas-Medar

In this work we study the relationship between the concept of invexity and the Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions to the continuous-time nonlinear programming problem . We use duality results to establish these relations. We also show that the invexity concept is a kind of constraint qualification.

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