Postponing the choice of penalty parameter and step length

Fernando R. Villas-Bôas

We study, in the context of interior-point methods for linear programming, some possible advantages of postponing the choice of the penalty parameter and the steplength, which happens both when we apply Newton's method to the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker system and when we apply a predictor-corrector scheme. We show that for a Newton or a strictly predictor step the next iterate can be expressed as a linear function of the penalty parameter $\mu $, and, in the case of a predictor-corrector step, as a quadratic function of $\mu $. We also show that this parameterization is useful to guarantee either the non-negativity of the next iterate or the proximity to the central path. Initial computational results of these strategies are shown and compared with PCx, an implementation of Mehotra's predictor-corrector method.
