Carla T. L. Silva Ghidini
Research Line: Operational Research
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Aurelio Ribeiro Leite de Oliveira
Period/financial support: 04/2013 to 03/2015 -- FAPESP
Chen-Yang Lee
Research Line: Mathematical Physics
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Alberto Vazquez Saa
Period/financial support: 12/2013 a 09/2016 -- CNPq
Grasiele Cristiane Jorge
Research Line: Codes, Lattices and Number Theory
Supervisor: Profa. Dra. Sueli Irene Rodrigues Costa
Period/financial support: 03/2012 to 02/2014 -- CNPq and CAPES (PNPD)
Nelson José Rodrigues Faustino
Research Line: Mathematical Physics (Quantum Computation)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jayme Vaz Jr.
Period/financial support: 09/2013 to 09/2016 -- FAPESP
Rafael Santos de Oliveira Alves
Research Line: Discrete Mathematics, Mathematics of Computation and Symbolic Mathematics
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Carlile Campos Lavor
Period/financial support: 06/2013 to 02/2014 -- PRODOC
Sérgio Augusto Giardino Filho
Research Line: Mathematical Physics
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Stefano de Leo
Period/financial support: 02/2013 to 02/2015 -- CAPES (PNPD)
Stylianos Dimas
Research Line: Applied Analysis
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Yuri Dimitrov Bozhkov
Period/financial support: 05/2013 to 09/2013 -- FAPESP
Thadeu Alves Senne
Research Line: Optimization
Supervisor: Profa. Dra. Sandra Augusta Santos
Period/financial support: 03/2013 to 05/2013 -- CNPq