Dissertations and Theses: Applied Mathematics Program

Below you will find the dissertations and theses of the Applied Mathematics Graduate Program produced and defended on IMECC starting on year 2000. You can filter the output by program, year, and level.

Student Title Program Date
Renato Junior Moreira e Silva Metric deformations and the Wilking's Conjecture on symmetric spaces Mathematics 12/05/2023
Rondinei Almeida da Silva Local exact controllability to the trajectories for a solidification model with convection Mathematics 12/13/2023
Bernardo Santos Vieira The Seiberg-Witten invariants Mathematics 03/07/2024
João Pedro Moresca Martins Besov-ish spaces : a generalization of Besov spaces through the method of atomic decomposition Mathematics 02/05/2024
Cibele Carolina De Souza Sá Free plane algebraic curves Mathematics 03/07/2024
Felipe Carvalho Silva Chaos measures in infinite dimension Mathematics 03/08/2024
Lucas Barroso Rocha A connection between the Schur multiplier and the construction X(G) Mathematics 03/08/2024
Mateus Ferreira de Melo Dynamics of linear operators - weighted shift Mathematics 03/08/2024
Vitoria Aparecida Santos Ferreira Homological and homotopical properties of subgroups of direct products of groups Mathematics 03/08/2024
Artur de Aquino Blois Invariant subspaces of the polydisk Mathematics 03/18/2024
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