Institute for Geometry and Physics Miami-Cinvestav-Campinas
Collaboration in Geometry & Physics in the Americas

Third Latin Congress on Symmetries in Geometry and Physics

February 1 – February 10, 2013 • Maranhão, Brazil

This is the sixth event of the Institute for Geometry and Physics Miami-Cinvestav-Campinas, a collaboration of Brazil, Mexico and the USA to promote the development of geometry and physics in the Americas. The conference will take place at the the Federal University of Maranhão in São Luís, Brazil, following the Conference on Homological Mirror Symmetry in Miami, Florida.

This conference is supportted by CAPES(Brazil), and by the Laboratory for Algebraic Geometry(Russia) and by the NSF (USA).

IGP Organisers

Elizabeth Gasparim, Ludmil Katzarkov, Maxim Kontsevich, Luiz San Martin

Local Organisers

João Coelho, João de Deus, José Marão, Manoel Messias, Felix Silva

Feb 1 – 4: Introductory Minicourses

Feb 5 – 10: Workshop

Advanced Minicourses

Research Talks

Short Talks


Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
10:00 Mercuri Mercuri/Kaledin Sulkowski Sulkowski Sulkowski
11:00 Mercuri Mercuri/Efimov Isik Interview/short talks Vianna
12:00 Kaledin Coffee Kaledin Przyjalkowski Mostovoy/Lupercio
13:00 ---------- Lunch ---------- Feijoada
15:00 Mercuri Vianna Kapustin Kapustin
16:00 Mercuri Galkin Toen Kapustin Deliu
17:00 Gasparim Efimov Haiden Toen Kelly
18:00 Grama Katzarkov Garcia-R. Diemer