Third Announcement
Dear Colleagues,This is the third and final announcement of the XXV Brazilian Algebra Meeting (Escola de Álgebra), the 25th edition of the biannual Brazilian meeting of algebraists. As you already know it will be held at the Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing (Imecc), of the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), from December 03 to 07, 2018.
Our web page has evolved further, and is constantly being updated. In addition to the information concerning all mini-courses and plenary talks, you will be able to consult the schedule of the thematic sessions as well as the poster sessions.
Please look at our web page for information concerning how to obtain a Brazilian entry visa (if necessary), how to get to Campinas, and also some suggestions for lodging. Of course one might want to look at sites like Booking, AirBnB, Decolar where one could find some deals. Be aware that there will be other conferences held in our University during the week of the Meeting, and if you leave the booking for the last moment it may be difficult to find an adequate place nearby. The participants who contacted us about lodging have been accommodated. Due to the no-show policies of the hotels these participants will be contacted very soon for confirmation of their arrival and departure dates.
We urge you to tell us your arrival and departure dates and approximate times (if you haven’t done so). While we will not organize any kind of transportation from Guarulhos (or Congonhas) airport to Campinas we could be able to give you a ride from Campinas central bus station (or in some cases from Campinas – Viracopos airport) to your hotel. Information about the shuttle buses from these two airports to Campinas is given on our page. Uber service from Guarulhos to Campinas is also available. Prices are from 250 reals.
We will have two blocks of mini-courses in the morning (0800--0850 and 0900--0950), followed by two plenary talks (1030--1120 and 1130--1220). In the afternoon there will be the thematic sessions. This is the schedule from December 03 to December 07 (Friday), the only exception being December 06 (Thursday) afternoon. On that day we will have one more plenary talk, for the Colloquium of our Institute (1400–1450). The poster sessions will be held from Monday to Wednesday during the afternoon coffee-break (the posters will be exhibited at 1230 and will be available till the end of the coffee-break). The last poster session will be held on Thursday, from 1500 to 1600. The schedule of the poster sessions will be available very soon on our web page.
The registration desk will open Monday Dec 03 at 0730, in the main building of our institute.
We remind the participants from BRAZILIAN institutions that the easiest and most convenient way of paying the registration fee is via bank transfer, see the details in the second announcement.
While it will be possible to pay the fee at the registration desk this may cause unnecessary delays and long queues.
If you pay it in advance you will get via e-mail the receipt as well.
The opening ceremony will be on Monday, December 03, at 1030, in the lecture room for the plenary talks. Thus there will be a small delay for the first (and consequently the second) plenary talk on Dec 03.
We are organizing the conference dinner on Thursday, December 06, starting from 1900. It will be at a restaurant called Estância Grill. The restaurant ia located near the University, some 3 km (2 mi) far from our Institute. Their web page is (in Portuguese only). It is a good “churrascaria” or “rodizio” restaurant, with a large variety of good quality beef, pork, lamb (waiters with huge skewers and knifes will be constantly offering you to try some slices of meat, that is why it is called “rodizio”), and various types of pasta, salads, cooked food, and a large variety of vegetarian choices as well. It is fixed price type restaurant. It costs 60 brazilian reals per person. This includes meals only: beverages, alcoholic drinks, and sweets must be paid separately. We will accept the payment at the registration (cash only please), on Monday, December 03.
The restaurant has a no-show policy so we have to know well in advance how many of us are going there. While this policy is flexible to some extent we cannot guarantee that late comers will be allowed to go.
Those of you who would like to go to the conference dinner, please register at the following address (a simple Google form, takes less than a minute to fill it in):
Please consult frequently our web page: for updates.
Looking forward to meeting you in Campinas,
Plamen Koshlukov,
On behalf of the Organizers
Second Announcement
Dear Colleagues,The XXV Brazilian Algebra Meeting (Escola de Álgebra), the 25th edition of the biannual Brazilian meeting of algebraists, will be held at the Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing (Imecc), of the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), from December 03 to 07, 2018. Since the First announcement our web page has evolved. One can find there detailed information concerning the mini-courses as well as the plenary talks. Very soon we will be posting the programmes of all seven sessions as well.
We have provided some useful information concerning how to obtain a Brazilian entry visa (if necessary), and how to get from the major airports to Campinas. Concerning vaccinations, there is no yellow fever epidemic in Campinas. Nevertheless a vaccination against it is recommended for visitors from abroad. It might be necessary if you will be traveling around Brazil to or neighboring countries.
The registration is already closed. The activities of the Meeting will commence on December 03, 2018 (Monday), so it might be a good idea to plan and arrive in Campinas the day before. We are posting now on our web page the information concerning the payment of the registration fee. It can be paid in advance (this will help us), or when you arrive in Campinas. The latter option (that is paying on arrival) is recommended for participants from abroad. The former is for participants from Brasil.
We will offer mini-courses in the mornings followed by two plenary talks. In the afternoons there will be the thematic sessions. This is the schedule from December 03 to December 07 (Friday), the only exception being December 06 (Thursday). On that day we will have mini-courses and 3 plenary talks, and we are planning the poster session in the afternoon .
It is with satisfaction that we inform you we will have some financial support from the Brazilian funding agencies (one can see these on our web page). While we will not be able to contribute to participants’ travel fares we will be able to cover the reasonable local expenses for the colleagues who are giving a talk (plenary or not), a mini-course, or a short communication.
In case you have made your travel plans we ask you to tell us your arrival and departure dates and approximate times. While we are not organizing any kind of transportation from Guarulhos (or Congonhas) airport to Campinas we could be able to give you a ride from Campinas central bus station to your hotel on Sunday, December 02.
Please consult our web page: for updates.
Looking forward to meeting you in Campinas,
Plamen Koshlukov,
On behalf of the Organizers
First Announcement
Dear Colleagues,The XXV Brazilian Algebra Meeting (Escola de Álgebra) will be held at the Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing (Imecc), of the University of Campinas (Unicamp), from December 03 to 07, 2018. This is the 25th edition of the most traditional and by far the largest conference dedicated to Algebra and its applications held in Brazil. The Algebra Meeting is a biannual meeting, and its first edition was held in 1972.
The main goals of the Algebra Meeting include but are not limited to: giving opportunities to researchers to communicate and discuss new results in their fields, creating possibilities for discussing ideas and research problems with colleagues as well as with students.
The topics of the conference include algebra in its broadest sense and its applications.
The working language of the conference is English (but there may be some elementary level mini-courses given in Portuguese). The scientific programme of the Meeting include 11 plenary (invited) talks, 7 thematic sessions, several mini-courses (at least two at each of the elementary, intermediate and advanced level), and a poster session.
We are seeking now proposals for mini-courses. We would like to invite the colleagues interested in giving a mini-course to send an e-mail to the following address: containing the following information: Full name(s) and affiliation(s) of the proponent(s), title of the mini-course, level (elementary, intermediate, advanced), language. Please include as well a short description of the course – planning for 5 lectures of 50 minutes each, and try to outline the importance of the topics covered by the course.
Please have in mind that the deadline for submitting proposals for a mini-course is May 17, 2018.
The proponents of accepted mini-courses are expected to prepare notes for the “students” (no need to print them, it will be OK if you make the notes available on Internet, or send to us the pdf file in advance).
We are applying for financial support with the principal Brazilian funding agencies. We do hope we will be able to cover the local expenses of the participants but of course this depends on the amount available. According to the experience of previous meetings we cannot expect lavish funding and unfortunately we will not be able to contribute to anyone’s travel expenses like air tickets.
We already have a web page: One can find there the composition of the Scientific and Organizing Committees as well as some useful information about the Meeting and the venue. We already have the online registration open. Please take time to fill in the registration form; later on you will be able to make changes. The second announcement will be sent only to registered participants.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Campinas
With kind regards,
Plamen Koshlukov (on behalf of the Organizers)