My research is focused on quantum physics, ranging from its mathematical structure, to
collaborations with experimental physicists.
Quantum correlations, contextuality, nonlocality, geometry of quantum states and of quantum
measurements, decoherence, classical limit of quantum theory, quantum information,
quantum computation, and the search for "more physical/informational" foundations
for the quantum formalism are themes where I have close interest and/or produced
original results.
Some of it is part of my PhD Thesis (sorry, in Portuguese).
A broader perspective you can gain from my papers.
Roberto D. Baldijao and Marcelo Terra Cunha,
Classical Limits and Contextuality in a Scenario of Multiple Observers,
A ♥ distinguishes a paper that I specially like (I can like a paper for many reasons);
A ♦ distinguishes a paper that currently contribute to my H-number
(people can cite a paper for many different reasons).
- ♥
Marcelo Terra Cunha,
On Measures and Measurements: a Fibre Bundle approach to Contextuality,
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 377, 20190146;
- ♥
Tassius Temistocles, Rafael Rabelo, and Marcelo Terra Cunha,
Measurement compatibility in Bell nonlocality tests,
Phys. Rev. A 99, 042120;
- Saulo V. Moreira and Marcelo Terra Cunha (2019),
Quantifying Quantum Invasiveness,
Phys. Rev. A 99, 022124;
arxiv:1803.02836 ;
- ♥
Leonardo Guerini and Marcelo Terra Cunha (2018),
Uniqueness of the joint measurement and the structure of the set of compatible quantum measurements,
J. Math. Phys. 59, 042106;
arxiv:1711.04804 ;
- ♥
Barbara Amaral, Adan Cabello, Marcelo Terra Cunha, and Leandro Aolita (2018),
Noncontextual Wirings,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 130403;
arxiv:1705.07911 ;
G.F. Borges, R.D. Baldijão, J.G.L. Conde, J.S. Cabral, B. Marques, M. Terra Cunha, A. Cabello, and S. Padua (2018),
Automated quantum operations in photonic qutrits,
Phys. Rev. A 97, 022301;
- ♥
Leonardo Guerini, Jessica Bavaresco, Marcelo Terra Cunha, and Antonio Acin (2017),
Operational framework for quantum measurement simulability,
J. Math. Phys. 58, 092102;
arxiv:1705.06343 ;
- ♥
Jessica Bavaresco, Marco Tulio Quintino, Leonardo Guerini, Thiago O. Maciel, Daniel Cavalcanti, and Marcelo Terra Cunha (2017),
Most incompatible measurements for robust steering tests,
Phys. Rev. A 96, 022110;
arxiv:1704.02994 ;
Cristhiano Duarte, Raphael C Drumond and Marcelo Terra Cunha (2016),
Self-catalytic conversion of pure quantum states,
J. Phys. A 49, 145303;
arxiv:1504.06364 ;
Raphael C. Drumond, Cristhiano Duarte, Marcelo Terra Cunha, and M. C. Nemes
Universality of finite-time disentanglement,
Phys. Rev. A 93, 022313;
arxiv:1510.06466 ;
Gláucia Murta, Ravishankar Ramanathan, Natália Móller, and Marcelo Terra Cunha
Quantum bounds on multiplayer linear games and device-independent witness of genuine tripartite
Phys. Rev. A 93, 022305;
arxiv:1510.09210 ;
Barbara Amaral, Marcelo Terra Cunha, and Adán Cabello (2015),
Quantum theory allows for absolute maximal contextuality,
Phys. Rev. A 92, 062125;
- ♥
Rafael Rabelo, Cristhiano Duarte, Antonio J López-Tarrida, Marcelo Terra Cunha
and Adán Cabello (2014),
Multigraph approach to quantum non-locality,
J. Phys. A 47, 424021;
Gilberto Borges, Marcos Carvalho, Pierre-Louis de Assis, José Ferraz,
Mateus Araújo, Adán Cabello, Marcelo Terra Cunha, and Sebastião Pádua (2014),
Quantum contextuality in a Young-type interference experiment,
Phys. Rev. A 89, 052106;
- ♥♦
Barbara Amaral, Marcelo Terra Cunha, and Adán Cabello (2014),
Exclusivity principle forbids sets of correlations larger than the quantum set,
Phys. Rev. A 89, 030101;
- ♥♦
Adán Cabello , Piotr Badziąg, Marcelo Terra Cunha, and Mohamed Bourennane (2013),
Simple Hardy-Like Proof of Quantum Contextuality,
Phys. Rev. Lett 111, 180404;
- ♥♦
Mateus Araújo, Marco Túlio Quintino, Costantino Budroni, Marcelo Terra Cunha, and Adán Cabello (2013),
Complete characterization of the n-cycle noncontextual polytope,
Phys. Rev. A 88, 022118;
Colin Teo, Mateus Araújo, Marco Túlio Quintino, Jiří Minář, Daniel Cavalcanti, Valerio Scarani, Marcelo Terra Cunha, and Marcelo França Santos (2013),
Realistic loophole-free Bell test with atom-photon entanglement,
Adán Cabello and Marcelo Terra Cunha (2013),
State-independent contextuality with identical particles,
Phys. Rev. A 87, 022126;
B. Marques, M.R. Barros, W.M. Pimenta, M.A.D. Carvalho, J. Ferraz, R.C. Drumond, M. Terra Cunha, and S. Pádua (2012),
Double-slit implementation of the minimal Deutsch algorithm,
Phys. Rev. A 86, 032306;
- ♥
Mateus Araújo, Marco Túlio Quintino, Daniel Cavalcanti, Marcelo França Santos, Adán Cabello, and Marcelo Terra Cunha (2012),
Tests of Bell inequality with arbitrarily low photodetection efficiency and homodyne measurements,
Phys. Rev. A 86, 030101(R);
- ♥
Marco Túlio Quintino, Mateus Araújo, Daniel Cavalcanti, Marcelo França Santos, and Marcelo Terra Cunha (2012),
Maximal violations and efficiency requirements for Bell tests with photodetection and homodyne measurements,
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45, 215308;
- ♥
M.F. Santos, M. Terra Cunha, R. Chaves, and A.R.R. Carvalho (2012),
Quantum Computing with Incoherent Resources and Quantum Jumps,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 170501;
Chiara Vitelli, Marcelo Terra Cunha, Nicolò Spagnolo, Francesco De Martini, and Fabio Sciarrino (2012),
Continuous-variable nonlocality test performed over a multiphoton quantum state,
Phys. Rev. A 85, 012104;
A. Cabello and M. Terra Cunha (2011),
Proposal of a two-qutrit contextuality test free of the finite precision and
compatibility loopholes,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 190401;
A. Baraviera, C. F. Lardizabal, Artur O. Lopes, and M. Terra Cunha (2011),
Quantum Stochastic Processes, Quantum Iterated Function Systems and entropy,
São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences 5, 51-84;
- ♦
W.M. Pimenta, B. Marques, M.A. Carvalho, M.R. Barros, J.G. Fonseca, J. Ferraz,
M. Terra Cunha, and S. Pádua (2010),
Minimal state tomography of spatial qubits using a spatial light modulator,
Opt. Express 18, 24423-24433;
R.C. Drumond, L.A.M. Souza, and M. Terra Cunha (2010),
Asymptotic Entanglement Dynamics Phase Diagrams for Two Electromagnetic Field Modes in a Cavity,
Phys. Rev. A 82, 042302;
E. Mascarenhas, B. Marques, M. Terra Cunha, and M. França Santos (2010),
Continuous Quantum Error Correction Through Local Operations,
Phys. Rev. A 82, 032327;
A. Baraviera, C.F. Lardizabal, A.O. Lopes, and M. Terra Cunha (2010),
A Thermodynamic Formalism for density matrices in Quantum Information,
Appl Math Res Express 2010 (1): 63-118;
E. Mascarenhas, B. Marques, D. Cavalcanti, M. Terra Cunha, and M. França Santos (2010),
Protection of quantum information and optimal singlet conversion through higher dimensional quantum systems and environment monitoring,
Phys. Rev. A 81, 032310;
Ariel Bendersky, Juan Pablo Paz, and Marcelo Terra Cunha (2009),
General theory of measurement with two copies of a quantum state,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 040404;
- ♥
R.C. Drumond and M. Terra Cunha (2009),
Asymptotic entanglement dynamics and geometry of quantum states
J. Phys. A 42, 285308;
R.C. Drumond and M.O. Terra Cunha (2009),
Geometry of Entanglement Sudden Death: Explicit Examples
AIP Conf. Proc. 1101, 386;
- ♥
D. Cavalcanti, P.L. Saldanha, O. Cosme, F.G.S.L. Brandão, C.H. Monken, S. Pádua, M. França Santos, M.O. Terra Cunha (2008),
Geometrically induced singular behavior of entanglement,
Phys. Rev. A 78, 012318;
- ♥♦
D. Cavalcanti, M. O. Terra Cunha, and A. Acin (2007), Multipartite entanglement of superpositions,
Phys. Rev. A 76, 042329;
arxiv arxiv:0705.2521;
- ♥♦
Daniel Cavalcanti, L. M. Moreira, Franklin Matinaga, Marcelo O. Terra Cunha, and Marcelo França Santos (2007),
Useful entanglement from the Pauli principle,
Phys. Rev. B 76, 113304;
arxiv quant-ph/0608141;
- ♥♦
Marcelo O. Terra Cunha (2007), The Geometry of Entanglement Sudden Death,
New Journal of Physics 9, 237;arxiv quant-ph/0703121;
- ♥♦
M. O. Terra Cunha, J. A. Dunningham, V. Vedral (2007), Entanglement in single particle systems,
Proc. Roy. Soc. A 463, 2277;
arxiv quant-ph/0606149;
Marcelo O. Terra Cunha, Vlatko Vedral (2006), How to Extract Entanglement from a Piece of Solid or a Bunch of Neutrons,
Acta Physica Hungarica B 26, 261-268; arxiv quant-ph/0607224;
- ♥
D. Cavalcanti, F.G.S.L. Brandão, and M.O. Terra Cunha (2006),
Entanglement quantifiers, entanglement crossover, and phase transitions,
New J. Phys. 8 260; arxiv quant-ph/0510132;
- ♦
Daniel Cavalcanti, J. G. Oliveira Jr, J. G. Peixoto de Faria, Marcelo O. Terra Cunha, and Marcelo França Santos (2006),
Entanglement versus energy in the entanglement transfer problem,
Phys. Rev. A 74, 042328; arxiv quant-ph/0608139;
- ♥♦
Daniel Cavalcanti, Marcelo O. Terra Cunha (2006),
Estimating entanglement of unknown states,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 084102. Arxiv quant-ph/0605155;
- ♥♦
D. Cavalcanti, M.F. Santos, M.O. Terra Cunha, C. Lunkes, V. Vedral (2005), Increasing identical particle entanglement by fuzzy measurements, Phys. Rev. A 72, 062307. Arxiv quant-ph/0505029;
- ♥♦
D. Cavalcanti, F.G.S.L. Brandão, M.O. Terra Cunha (2005), Are all maximally entangled states pure? Phys. Rev. A 72,
040303. Arxiv quant-ph/0505121;
Mauricio Reis, M.O. Terra Cunha, Adelcio C. Oliveira, M.C. Nemes (2005),
Relation between quantum phase transitions and classical instability points in the pairing model, Phys. Lett. A 344, 164-169;
- ♥
D. Cavalcanti, L. Cioletti, and M.O. Terra Cunha (2005),
Tomographic characterization of three qubits pure states with only two qubits
detectors, Phys. Rev. A 71,
014301. Arxiv quant-ph/0408022
(pdf file);
- M.O. Terra Cunha and M.C. Nemes (2004),
Towards an understanding of decoherence on ions traps,
Phys. Lett. A
329, 409-413.
Arxiv quant-ph/0401117
(pdf file);
A.R. Bosco de Magalhães, S.G. Mokarzel, M.C. Nemes, and M.O. Terra Cunha (2004),
Decay rate and decoherence control in coupled dissipative cavities,
Physica A
341, 234-250.
Arxiv quant-ph/0405022
(pdf file);
- ♥♦
S.P. Walborn, M.O. Terra Cunha, S. Padua, and C.H. Monken (2003), Quantum
Erasure, American Scientist 91, 336. (pdf file, submitted text: Getting to the
heart of quantum mechanics, (html, rtf)). Spanish translation: Borrado
Investigación y Ciencia 329, 59 (Febrero 2004) and
Scientific American Latinoamérica 19, pp (Febrero 2004). German translation: Quantenradierer,
Spektrum der Wissenschaft nn, 32
(Februar 2004).
- M.O. Terra Cunha and M. C. Nemes (2002), Analysing a complementarity
experiment on the quantum-classical boundary, Phys. Lett. A
305(6), 313-321. (pdf file, via ScienceDirect)
- ♥♦
S.P. Walborn, M.O. Terra Cunha, S. Padua, and C.H. Monken (2002),
A Double-Slit Quantum Eraser,
Phys. Rev. A
65 033818. (compressed ps file,
pdf file)
- ♥
M.O. Terra Cunha, V.I. Man'ko, and M.O. Scully (2001),
and Probability Distributions for Spin-1/2 States,
Phys. Lett. 14(2), 103-117. (compressed ps file, pdf file)
Unpublished papers
- ♥
Daniel Cavalcanti, Fernando G.S.L. Brandão, Marcelo O. Terra Cunha, Geometric Phase Transition: direct measurement of a mathematical abstraction Arxiv quant-ph/0510068;
D. Cavalcanti, M.O. Terra Cunha, How to fool the GHZ and W witnesses, Arxiv quant-ph/0506035;
Gabriela Barreto Lemos, M. F. Santos, J. G. Peixoto de Faria, M. O. Terra Cunha, and M. C. Nemes,
Decoherence and localization in the double well model, Arxiv quant-ph/0504020;
M. O. Terra Cunha, S. Geraij Mokarzel, J. G. Peixoto de Faria, and M. C.
Nemes, Timescales for decoherence and dissipation: reasons for the success of
master equations, Arxiv quant-ph/0409061;
- K.M. Fonseca Romero, S.G. Mokarzel, M.O. Terra Cunha, and M.C. Nemes,
Realistic Decoherence Free Subspaces.
Arxiv quant-ph/0304018
(pdf file);
- ♥
M.O. Terra Cunha, What is Surrealistic about Bohm Trajectories?
Arxiv quant-ph/9809006;