You can download the companion code for the manuscript Accelerating block coordinate descent methods with identification strategies in the folder.

You should download all the zip files in this directory and unzip them in a single folder in your hard drive. From there follow the instructions of the README file. It explains how to call our implementation of the ABCD method and how to reproduce all the computational tests described in the manuscript.

I should create a repository for this code at github soon, and I will post updates about it here.

Copyright: Ronaldo Lopes, Sandra Santos, Paulo J. S. Silva.

You can download the companion code for the paper A Newton’s method for the continuous quadratic knapsack problem in the file

For now it is a static link to the original code used in the paper. You can use it to reproduce the computational tests and to have access to our implementations of the different methods discussed in the paper. In particular, you can find our implementation of the semismooth Newton method proposed in the paper. Just follow the instructions of the README file.

I should create a repository for this code at github soon, and I will post updates about this here.

Copyright: Roberto Cominetti, Walter Mascarenhas, Paulo J. S. Silva.