XIII Workshop on Dynamical Systems

Celebrating the 80th birthday of Marco Antonio Teixeira

IMECC/Unicamp, Campinas/SP, November 25-29 2024.


Call For Papers

The MAT80 – XIII Workshop on Dynamical Systems Proceedings will be published in the Matemática Contemporânea, an open access journal of the Brazilian Mathematical Society.

Accepted papers must adhere to the journal’s editorial guidelines and will undergo peer review. This special issue will highlight impactful contributions across the diverse fields featured during the event.

Submission of Papers

Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts directly to one of the guest editors, with a copy sent to the official event email: procmat80@unicamp.br.

Submitted papers may comprise original work or survey-like material and a priori there is no limit on the number of pages.

Guest Editors

Claudio A. Buzzi – UNESP, claudio.buzzi@unesp.br
Bifurcation Theory, Non-smooth dynamical systems

Douglas D. Novaes – UNICAMP, ddnovaes@unicamp.br
Singular Perturbation Problems, Bifurcation Theory, Non-smooth dynamical systems

Jeroen Lamb – Imperial College, jeroen.lamb@imperial.ac.uk
Ergodic Dynamical Systems, Stochastic Dynamical Systems

Ketty Abaroa de Rezende – UNICAMP, ketty@unicamp.br
Topological Dynamics

Mike Jeffrey – University of Bristol, Mike.Jeffrey@bristol.ac.uk
Singularities and Catastrophes, Non-smooth dynamical systems

Paulo R. da Silva – UNESP, paulo.r.silva@unesp.br
Singular Perturbation Problems

Regilene Delazari dos Santos Oliveira – USP, regilene@icmc.usp.br
Bifurcation Theory, Non-smooth dynamical systems

Ricardo Miranda Martins – UNICAMP, rmiranda@unicamp.br
Reversible-Equivariant Systems, Bifurcation Theory, Non-smooth dynamical systems

Victoriano Carmona – Universidad de Seville, vcarmona@us.es
Bifurcation Theory, Non-smooth dynamical systems

Important Deadlines

The deadline for submission is April 30, 2025 and we expect the volume to appear in the first semester of 2026, after the usual anonymous referee procedure.


For further information, please contact procmat80@unicamp.br.