Opening Ceremony - From left to right:
Rodrigues, Vaz, Atvars and Sproessig

Teresa Atvars, Dean of Graduate Studies
of UNICAMP, speaking to the audience

Fred Brackx, from University of Ghent,
delivering the first lecture of ICCA8

Eduardo Bayro, from CINVESTAV-México, speaking
about applications of Conformal Geometric Algebra

View of the auditorium
during a lecture

View of the auditorium
in an interval between lectures

View of IMECC's hall a few minutes
before the opening ceremony

The coffee break with some local students looking
for a gap for attacking the snacks

Hestenes talking about
The Geometry of the Electron Clock

Another view of IMECC's hall
a few minutes before the opening

Sproessig making plans
about the next ICCA

Jancewicz and Santhanam
looking for the next lecture

Tremblay and Rochon, from Canada,
enjoying the brazilian autumn

Marmolejo, Macías, Notte and Vergara
(Spanish in action here)

Conradt and Ablamowicz exchanging
opinions about the lectures

Notte, Loya and Marmolejo
drinking typical brazilian coffee

Bayro and Hitzer discussing
while waiting for the coffee break

Lasenby and Lundholm
at the coffee break

Pinotsis and Sproessig discussing
some topic about Clifford analysis

From back to front: camera man,
Zeni, Tolksdorf and Monteiro

Participants viewed from
the first floor of the building

The Conference Dinner
(vision from the first floor)

The Conference Dinner
(vision from the ground floor)

In CW sense: Czachor, Sweetser,
Bayro and Staples

In CW sense: Ms. Pavsic, Pavsic, Loya,
Vergara, Macías, Batard and Pinotsis

In CW sense: Sproessig, Brackx, De Schepper,
Eriksson, Perotti, Krump and Guerlebeck

In CW sense: Hestenes, Lasenby,
Ms. Hestenes, Snygg and Selig

In CW sense: Lawrynowicz, Rocha,
Kuznetsova, Toppan and Baylis

In CCW sense: Vaz, Hitzer, Souza, Stolfi,
Helmstetter, Zeni, Ablamowicz and Smid


In CW sense: Jancewicz, Monteiro,
Tremblay, Rochon and Weill

In CW sense: Tolksdorf, Santhanam,
Lundholm and the right hand of...


... Conradt

That is all, Folks!
Thanks for these great moments!