We are glad to announce a new release of GêBR Live DVD. It is based on the latest LTS Ubuntu 12.04. It comes with the most updated GêBR suite (0.20.1), Seismic Un*x (43R3), and also standalone softwares from ToSCo Project. Besides the Unity as the default desktop environment, Gnome 3 is also installed.
This time, there is specialized images for 32 and 64 bits. Get GêBR Live DVD from download area.
The nearly 30 participants of the GêBR course, taught during the IV Brazilian Symposium of Geophysics, had first-hand opportunity to use the newest version of GêBR.
Version 0.10.0 deserves recognition for a significant increase in quality and reliability of software. Thanks to the support of Petrobras, the GêBR Project is able to maintain a professional development team, which has taken great care to deliver to the user of GêBR the best possible product.
In terms of news, we can highlight the full integration of the seismic processing package Seismic Unix, with approximately 300 programs, and an editor of reports more comprehensive and friendly, with the possibility of simultaneous editing of multiple reports.
For now, the version 0.10.0 of GêBR is available only through the GêBR Live DVD 10.11. In the coming days, we will release binary packages for four Linux distributions. Beyond the Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora, from this version we now also support CentOS, which shows our commitment to users of high-performance machines, usually controlled by this distribution.
Last Sunday the first international course about Seismic Processing and GêBR took place at AGU 2010 — Meeting of the Americas. In the course, a synthetic data set was modeled and processed, introducing the basic concepts of acquisition geometry, filtering, deconvolution, velocity analysis, NMO correction, stacking, and time migration.
The whole computational environment was set up in just few minutes with GêBR Live DVD. All flows constructed during this course will be available soon for download, as well as the related documentation.