The nearly 30 participants of the GêBR course, taught during the IV Brazilian Symposium of Geophysics, had first-hand opportunity to use the newest version of GêBR.

Version 0.10.0 deserves recognition for a significant increase in quality and reliability of software. Thanks to the support of Petrobras, the GêBR Project is able to maintain a professional development team, which has taken great care to deliver to the user of GêBR the best possible product.

In terms of news, we can highlight the full integration of the seismic processing package Seismic Unix, with approximately 300 programs, and an editor of reports more comprehensive and friendly, with the possibility of simultaneous editing of multiple reports.

For now, the version 0.10.0 of GêBR is available only through the GêBR Live DVD 10.11. In the coming days, we will release binary packages for four Linux distributions. Beyond the Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora, from this version we now also support CentOS, which shows our commitment to users of high-performance machines, usually controlled by this distribution.

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The GêBR repository has been moved to a new location. From now on it is accessed from As a consequence, all users must update their system’s configuration properly (please refer to the install guide for details), to be notified about new releases of GêBR automatically. The old FTP server will still be available for a while.

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A new section on the site of GêBR was just released. It is the Resources page. It is dedicated to hosting supporting material for the users of GêBR, like posters, presentations, exported projects, and other documents.

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