Two major features in this release: automatic report generation, and user documentation for the GêBR interface.

From now on, GêBR takes care of generating detailed reports for flows and lines (project are still to come). The flow’s report brings the list of programs in the flow, input and output files selected, and the parameters of each program (with customizable level of detail). The user still has the opportunity to include its own comments to such reports. The line’s report, besides the list of the flows in the lines, can also include the flow’s reports to each flow of the line. In this way, an text can be easily assembled to document all flows of a line and the line itself.

Furthermore, new versions of the menus for SU (now with sample projects demonstrating for many common tasks in seismic processing) and Shell Tools are also being released.

Great effort was done to bring an up to date documentation to the GêBR interface, both in English and in Portuguese. Comments and suggestions are always welcome.

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This release fixes bugs in 0.10.0 (see the complete list here).

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0.10.0 is out

The new version of GêBR is ready. Surely this is the most notable launch of GêBR, not just by the new features but also by the improvements in the development process.

The interface

Users of GêBR and DéBR will realize that the report and helps editor became more friendly. It is now possible, for example, to edit more than one text at once, or consult the interface while editing the report of a flow.

More shortcut keys have been added to streamline the operation of the interface. For example, to change the state of a program in a flow just press the space bar.

Process improvements

Thanks to the support of Petrobras, the development process is getting better. Now the Project GêBR has professionals dedicated to ensuring product quality delivered to users. As a result, dozens of bug were fixed and no doubt the version 0.10.0 is the most reliable we have ever launched.

Integration of programs to the interface

Accompanying the new version of GêBR, we are also launching new versions of the menus for GêBR. In particular, the version 0.3.0 of the menus for the Seismic Unix brings the complete port of this seismic processing package.

Supported systems

Starting with this release, besides Ubuntu, Debian, and Fedora, the GêBR Project shall also provide support to CentOS, showing our commitment to the users of high performance computing environments.

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