Seismic Un*x (SU), fully integrated with GêBR, is the major set of programs for seismic processing employed by GêBR users. However, to take full advantage of this package through GêBR, it is up to the users install SU properly in their systems.

Despite well documented, the whole install process of SU might be cumbersome to new users. To made this task easier, GêBR Project provides a script to carry out all necessary steps to install SU properly, at least on Ubuntu systems. The script, updated to install the latest version of SU (43R1), has been tested on Ubuntu LTS 10.04, but should work on newer ones too.

NOTE: The script was updated to install SU44R1 and was tested on Ubuntu LTS 14.04 as well as on Ubuntu LTS 16.04.

Follow these steps to install SU:

  1. Download the script from GêBR repository.
  2. Open a shell terminal: For Ubuntus with Gnome, it is found at Applications -> Accessories. For recent Ubuntus with Unity, go to “Dash Home”  and type Terminal in search box.
  3. Go to the directory where the script was downloaded.
  4. Run the script:

    chmod +x

This script will (1) download the latest release of SU from the official repository; (2) check your system for missing dependencies; (3) resolve conflicts with previous installs of SU, that had been also installed through this script; and (4) install SU.

NOTE: To install SU you must have administration privileges on the machine.

Further options of the script are described in its help. Type ./ -h to see it.

NOTE: For older Ubuntu releases (up to 13.10), use the legacy script instead.

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