Close to the begining of the 11th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, we are proud to announce a new release, 0.9.14. This release brings great new features for DéBR users, and mostly bug fixes for GêBR users.

It was more than a hundred of commits (something like a post, but for code submission). The most remarkable changes are:

  • Preview of GêBR’s parameters dialog of a program, when editing it on DéBR.
  • More informative parameter’s list in DéBR.
  • Install-menu button in DéBR.
  • Better template generation for first help edition in DéBR.
  • Enhanced multiple selection all over GêBR.
  • Project and line import and export.
  • Many bugs fixed in GêBR and DéBR.

This release is pre-installed in GêBR Live 9.08 DVD. Take yours at the SBGf Congress, in Salvador!

We look forward to see you there.

GêBR Team.

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