0.9.8 released

Once again, GêBR release team proudly announces the release 0.9.8, which brings new functionalities and many bug fixes. It’s available through download page.  We advise user to switch to this release immediately.

What’s new in GêBR 0.9.8?

  • Support to revisions. Now, it’s possible, at any time,  to save the present configuration of a flow. This allows to save key parameter’s values. So you do need to be afraid to play with different configurations for your flow. You can save as many states as you like, and recover them later.
  • Groups. Many bugs were fixed, mainly in DéBR.
  • Drag and drop support in DéBR is complete.
  • Detailed views in DéBR, a la GêBR, turn the edition of menu more easier.
  • Several others bugs fixed in GêBR.
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