Seminários de Sistemas Estocásticos e Dinâmicos

Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação Científica - Unicamp

Seminários do grupo de Sistemas Estocásticos e Dinâmicos, integrado por pesquisadores voltados ao estudo de propriedades interligadas de Dinâmica, Geometria e Análise Estocástica. Os membros deste grupo usam técnicas em comum de Probabilidade, Dinâmica e Teoria Ergódica. As áreas estão concentradas em: dinâmica estocástica em variedades, EDPs estocásticas, difusões em espaços folheados, decomposição de fluxos estocásticos e suas aplicações, sistemas acoplados e equilíbrio para autômatos celulares com memória. Se tiver interesse em receber mais informações, entre em contato.

Organização: Christian Olivera (DM - IMECC - Unicamp).

Dezembro de 2024:

dia 12 - 14:00 - : Yuri Saporito, (FGV)
Ito Functional Calculus: theory, applications and numerical methods

Novembro de 2024:

dia 01 - 11:00 - : Pablo Carrasco, (UFMG)
Propriedades estatisticas de quasimorfismos

dia 22 - 11:00 - : Douglas Luiz Finamore Barbosa, (UNICAMP)
Topics in bilhares rigidity

Setembro de 2024:

dia 06 - 11:00 - : Andrey Chen, (UNICAMP)
On energy methods for Stochastic Navier-Stokes and global well-posedness

dia 13- 11:00 - : Florentin Munch, (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences)
Introduction to Discrete Ricci curvature

Junho de 2024:

dias 07 - 11:00 - Andre Magalhaes de Sa Gomes, (UNICAMP)
Path Cohomology of Locally Finite Digraphs ,Hodge's Theorem and the p-Lazy Random Walk

Maio de 2024:

dias 10 - 11:00 - Ludovic goudenege, (CNRS, Centrale-Supelec)
Scheme for SDE/SPDE with singular drifts

dias 17 - 11:00 - Manuel Stadlbauer, (UFRJ)
Minimal distance between random orbits

Abril de 2024:

dias 5 - 11:00 - Claudia Lorena Duarte Espitia, (UNICAMP)
Stochastic nonlinear partial differential equations: Well-posedness and asymptotic behavior of Besicovitch almost periodic solutions

Março de 2024:

dias 15 - 11:00 - David Mollinedo, (UFPRT)
High dimension regime for Wishart matrices based on the increments of solution of stochastic heat equation

Fevereiro de 2024:

dias 27 - 11:00 - Ciprian Tudor, (University of Lille)
Stein method and asymptotic independence

Novembro de 2023:

dias 14,16,17 - 14:00 - Eduard Feireisl, (Institute of Mathematics AS CR)
Euler system describing the motion of compressible fluids

dia 10 - 11:00 - Juan Londono, (UNICAMP)
Euler-Lagrangian approach to stochastic Euler equations in Sobolev Spaces

Setembro de 2023:

dia 22- 11:00 - Marcelo Fernandes, (FGV-SP)
Semivolatility-managed portfolios

dia 15- 11:00 - Renan Assimos, (University of Hannover)
Half-spaces, wedges and cone theorems in Riemannian Geometry

Agosto de 2023:

dia 18 - 11:00 - Wladimir Neves, (UFRJ)
Prandtl-Meyer Reflection and Ellipticity Stability.

Julho de 2023::

dia 07 - 11:00 - Lauri Viitasaari, (Uppsala University)
Variability of paths and differential systems with BV-coefficients

Junho de 2023::

dia 23 - 11:00 - Alejandro Cabrera, (UFRJ)
Compatible discretization of Hamiltonian systems and symplectic groupoids.

dia 30 - 10:00 - Kerlyns Martinez (Universidad de Valparaiso)
Penalized Stochastic Optimal Control Problems

Maio de 2023::

dia 12 - 11:00 - Christophe Frederic Gallesco, (UNICAMP)
Mixing rates for chains of infinite order.

dia 26 - 10:00 - Dirk Erhard (UFBA)
How a random walk turns into a swiss cheese: towards a conjecture

Abril de 2023::

dia 14 - 11:00 - Guilherme de Lima Feltes, (University of Munster)
Brownian particle in the curl of 2-d stochastic heat equations.

Março de 2023::

dia 3 - 11:00 - Olga Aryasova, (Institute of Geophysics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine\\ Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena)
Homogenization of a multivariate diffusion with semipermeable reflecting interfaces.

dia 31 - 11:00 - Josue Knorst , (UNICAMP)
Thermodynamic Formalism on the Skorokhod space of the circle.

Fevereiro de 2023::

dia 17 - 11:00 - Barrera Vargas, Gerardo (UNICAMP)
Sharp convergence for degenerate Langevin dynamics.

Novembro de 2022::

dia 18 - 11:00 - Diego Sebastian Ledesma (UNICAMP)
Sewing lemma in Fréchet-Hilbert space.

Outubro de 2022::

dia 07 - 11:00 - Andre Magalhaes de Sa Gomes (UNICAMP)
Tracing Paths in Optimal Transport Theory

Setembro de 2022::

dia 09 - 11:00 - Marcia Federson (ICMC-USP)
Expanding the class of stochastic differential equations
dia 30 - 10:00 - Alejandro Cabrera (UFRJ)
Continuing with analytical and geometric aspects of quantization

Agosto de 2022::

dia 26 - 11:00 - Alexandre Nascimento (UNICAMP)
Nonuniform hyperbolicity, pullback and forward attractors for nonautonomous dynamical system

Junho de 2022::

dia 24 - 14:00 - Carlos F. Álvarez (Universidad del Sinú)

Maio de 2022::

dia 13 - 11:00 - Marcielis Espitia (UNICAMP)

Abril de 2022::

dia 8 - 11:00 - Renata Possobon (UNICAMP)
Geometric properties of disintegration of measures

Março de 2022:

dia 25 - 11:00 - Hugo de la Cruz (FGV)
A weak method for nonlinear vibration systems with adjustable stiffness under random excitations

Outubro de 2021:

dia 08 - 11:00 - Soledad Torres (Universidad de Valparaiso)
Simple model sampled at random times
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 865 9437 1224 - Passcode: 934748

dia 22 - 11:00 - Constantino Tsallis (Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas)
Statistical mechanics at the edge of chaos
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 852 4609 9107 - Passcode: 080906

Setembro de 2021:

dia 24 - 11:00 - Nils Berglund (Institut Denis Poisson, CNRS)
Resonance in stochastic PDEs
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 892 1814 3281 - Passcode: 221373

dia 10 - 11:00 - Lourival Lima (UNICAMP)
Decomposition of stochastic flow of diffeomorphisms : geometrical and topological aspects
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 848 7042 3291 - Passcode: 585002

Agosto de 2021:

dias 16, 18, 20, 23 e 25 - 16:00 -Dirk Erhard (Bahia University)
Introduction to the theory of regularity structures
Via Zoom, Link da quinta aula, Meeting ID: 840 9962 7759 Passcode: 094435.
Videos das aulas :,,, . .

Junho de 2021:

dia 25 - 11:00 - Leandro Pimentel (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
Integration by Parts and the KPZ Two-Point Function
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 919 7090 8458 - Passcode: 727948

dia 11 - 11:00 - Annika Lang (Göteborgs University)
The stochastic wave equation on the sphere: properties and simulation
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 932 9213 8253 - Passcode: 140373

Maio de 2021:

dia 28 - 11:00 - Alberto Ohashi (Depto de Matemática - Universidade de Brasília)
Rough path, Skorohod and stochastic Stratonovich integrals driven by covariance singular Gaussian processes
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 997 8240 3173 - Passcode: 715766

dia 21 - 11:00 - Túlio Vales Deslandes (Depto de Matemática - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)
Bilhares Aleatórios
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 959 6021 4014 - Passcode: 618165

dia 07 - 11:00 - Paulo Henrique P. da Costa (Depto de Matemática - Universidade de Brasília)
Bifurcations of stochastic n-point motions
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 984 0703 0834 - Passcode: 753456

Abril de 2021:

dia 23 - 11:00 - Benjamin Fehrman (University of Oxford)
Non-equilibrium fluctuations in interacting particle systems and conservative stochastic PDE
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 914 3671 5843 - Passcode: 751720

dia 09 - 11:00 - Francesco Grotto (University of Luxembourg)
The Liouville operator for Euler Point Vortices
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 920 4615 5319 - Passcode: 15729

Março de 2021:

dia 19 - 11:00 - Lucio Galeati (University of Edinburgh)
Delayed blow-up by transport noise
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 921 8422 0254 - Passcode: 269378

dia 12 - 11:00 - Yvain Bruned (University of Edinburgh)
Renormalisation of singular SPDEs close to criticality
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 918 4053 0540 - Passcode: 365252

Dezembro de 2020:

dia 18 - 11:00 - Kenneth H. Karlsen (University of Oslo)
Kružkov's Ideas and Stochastic Conservation Laws
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 941 4654 1647 - Passcode: 137222

dia 04 - 11:00 - Tommaso Cornelis Rosati (Imperial College London)
Population models in a random spatial environment
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 982 2391 3350 - Passcode: 832347

Novembro de 2020:

dia 27 - 11:00 - Joaquin Fontbona (Universidad de Chile)
Quantitative large-population asymptotics for logistic branching diffusions with mean-field interaction
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 994 0638 0465 - Passcode: 228577

dia 20 - 11:00 - Alex Blumenthal (Georgia Tech)
Chaos, scalar mixing, and passive scalar turbulence for models in fluid mechanics
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 954 5882 9621 - Passcode: 954848

dia 06 - 11:00 - Zhenfu Wang (University of Pennsylvania- University of Pekin)
Quantitative Methods for the Mean Field Limit Problem
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 999 9384 1519 - Passcode: 531507

Outubro de 2020:

dia 23 - 11:00 - Nikolas Tapia (Technische Universität Berlin)
Transport and continuity equations with (very) rough noise
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 973 3715 4385 - Passcode: 911369

dia 02 - 11:00 - Sam Punshon-Smith (Brown University)
A regularity method for quantitative lower bounds on the Lyapunov exponent for SDEs: with a proof of chaos for Lorenz 96
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 965 9547 0841 - Passcode: 367630

Setembro de 2020:

dia 25 - 11:00 - Dejun Luo (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Regularization by transport noise for the vorticity form of 3D Navier-Stokes equations
Via Zoom - Meeting ID: 922 1118 7434 - Passcode: 380177

Julho de 2020:

dia 7 - 17 Ismael Bailleul (Universite Rennes 1, France)
Online Minicurso - Rough Path
Video chamada:

Março de 2020:

dia 13 - 11:00 - Alejandro Cabrera (UFRJ)
Sobre alguns sistemas de controle ótimo de ordem superior: desde splines Riemannianos até robótica

Fevereiro de 2020:

dia 07 - 11:00 - Ian Melbourne (Mathematics Institute - University of Warwick)
Deterministic homogenization for fast-slow dynamical systems with hyperbolicity

Dezembro de 2019:

dia 06 - 11:00 - Luiz San Martin (IMECC - Unicamp)
Momentos de expoentes de Lyapunov e semigrupos em grupos de Lie

Novembro de 2019:

dia 29 - 11:00 - Adriana Cristina Sanchez Chavarria (ICMC- Universidade de São Paulo)
O problema de continuidade dos expoentes de Lyapunov

dia 08 - 11:00 - Leandro Cioletti (Depto de Matemática - Universidade de Brasília)
Um Teorema de Limite Central Para Estados de Equilíbrio em Espaços Poloneses

Outubro de 2019:

dia 11 - 11:00 - Alejandro Cabrera (UFRJ)
Sobre alguns aspectos analíticos da quantização

Agosto de 2019:

dia 30 - 16:00 - Paulo Henrique P. da Costa (Depto de Matemática - Universidade de Brasília)
Averaging principle for Lévy diffusions

dia 23 - 11:00 - Christian Oliveira (IMECC - Unicamp)
Strong-Trajectorial approximation 2D-Navier Stokes by stochastic particle systems with moderate interaction

dia 16 - 16:00 - Jean-Francois Colombeau (Institut Fourier, Université de Grenoble / IMECC - Unicamp)
Solving the conflict between differentiation and nonlinear operations

Junho de 2019:

dia 28 - 14:00 - Diego Sebastian Ledesma (IMECC - Unicamp)
Existência de solução para equações com representação estocástica

Maio de 2019:

dia 17 - 14:00 - Hugo de la Cruz (EMAp - Fundação Getúlio Vargas)
A confirmar

Abril de 2019:

dia 12 - 14:00 - André Oliveira Gomes (IMECC - Unicamp)
Variational formulas for functionals of the Fractional Brownian Motion and applications to Large Deviations Principles

dia 05 - 14:00 - Yuri Saporito (EMAp - Fundação Getúlio Vargas)
Stochastic Control and Differential Games with Path-Dependent Influence of Controls on Dynamics and Running Cost

[Seminários anteriores]