Dissertations and Theses: Applied Mathematics Program

Below you will find the dissertations and theses of the Applied Mathematics Graduate Program produced and defended on IMECC starting on year 2000. You can filter the output by program, year, and level.

Student Title Program Date
Gilberto Brito de Almeida Filho Properties of gapsets, construction of quotas for the quantity of gapsets of genus g and Weierstrass semigroups Mathematics 02/24/2022
Juan Carlos Manzur Villa A weighted composition semigroup related to the Riemann hypothesis Mathematics 03/25/2022
Lourival Rodrigues de Lima Decomposition of flows of diffeomorphisms: analytical and geometrical aspects Mathematics 08/10/2022
Marisa dos Reis Cantarino Regularity of foliations and rigidity for Anosov endomorphisms Mathematics 05/02/2022
Matheus Frederico Stapenhorst A class of singular elliptic equations Mathematics 02/16/2022
Matheus Silva Costa Generalized Toric Varieties, LVMB Manifolds and Lie Groupoids Mathematics 02/04/2022
Mayara Braz Antunes Chain recurrence, shadowing and sensitivity in linear and compact Mathematics 03/14/2022
Charles Ferreira dos Santos Zeta zeros via Hardy spaces : density, orthogonality and semigroups Mathematics 12/16/2022
Clayton Cristiano da Silva lA graph theoretical approach to prime simple modules over quantum loop algebras Mathematics 11/10/2022
Thiago Felipe da Silva Y-proper graded cocharacters of UTm(F) Mathematics 11/10/2022
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