Sessão Temática: Modelos de Longa Duração e Aplicações

Título: Hurdle cure rate model

Josemar Rodrigues

The hurdle cure rate model is a modified two-stage process in which the random mechanism of generating zero risk factors in the first-stage and positives in the second-stage are not constrained to be the same (Mullahy ,1986). It is a flexible cure rate model which encompasses recent cure rate models solving identifiable problems Some examples will be presented.

Título: Flexible Cure Rate Models and Likelihood Inference and Model Discrimination

N. Balakrishnan

I will describe COM-Poisson based cure rate models with different lifetime distributions and present the exact likelihood inference. I will also address the problem of model discrimination and model selection within this flexible family through information-based criteria, and present some simulation results. Finally, I will illustrate all the established results with a cutaneous melanoma data.

Título: A class of long-term survival models with overdispersed number of competing causes

Wagner Barreto-Souza

A new class of long-term survival models based on the first-activation scheme is proposed. For this new class it is assumed that the number of competing causes follows a generalized Poisson distribution, which is overdispersed. We consider a regression structure for the expected number of competing causes, so allowing to a direct modeling for the cure rate through covariates. Estimation by maximum likelihood and inference for the parameters of the new class are discussed. A small simulation study is conducted to examine the finite-sample performance of the proposed estimators. Applications to biological data sets illustrate the potentiality of the proposed models.





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