Verónica Andrea González-López
Veronica A. Gonzalez-Lopez

Grupo de Pesquisa CNPq (Dependência Estocástica, Teoria e Aplicações)

Publications (cvlattes) short cv

90. Rodrigues, D. S.; Soares, G. A.; González-López, V. A.; Bezerra, A. T.; Jirstrand, M.; Miranda, J. R. A. (2024)
        Accessing the pharmacokinetics of magnetic nanoparticles in cirrhosis-associated hepatocarcinogenesis by ordinary differential equation modeling and AC biosusceptometry
        Mathematics in Medical and Life Sciences, 1(1): 2391739.
89. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Gomez Sanchez, J. I. (2024)
        A Metric Based on the Efficient Determination Criterion
        Entropy, 26(6): 526.
88. Birgin, E. G.; Correa, M. R.; González-López, V. A.; Martínez, J. M.; Rodrigues, D.S. (2024)
        Randomly Supported Variations of Deterministic Models and Their Application to One-Dimensional Shallow Water Flows
        Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 150:5.
87. Fernandes, A. C.; Valerio de Oliveira, S.; Rodrigues de Moraes, R.; González-López, V. A.; Garcia Vianna, N. (2024)
        User access to speech-language pathology care in a Primary Health Unit in Campinas
        Saude e Pesquisa, 17(2): e-12222.
86. Schultz, J. A,; González-López, V. A. (2024)
        Copula analysis of the 2018 Brazilian presidential election
        AIP Conference Proceedings.
        international conference of numerical analysis 2022 and applied mathematics, v. 3094; 160002 - 160004.
85. Fernandes-Svartman, F. R. ; Santos V. G.; González-López, V. A. ; Rodrigues de Moraes, R.; García, J. E.; Tasca, G. H. (2023)
        Calling vocatives duration in Libolo Portuguese
        Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 16(2):377-395.
84. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Tasca, G. H. (2023)
        Huffman Coding and Minimal Markov Models to Improve the Data Compression
        AIP Conference Proceedings.
        international conference of numerical analysis 2021 and applied mathematics, v. 2849, 110002-1, 110002-4.
83. Lanfredi Viola, M. L.; García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.(2023)
        Markovian Structure of Interaction for Three Indicators of Linguistic Rhythm
        AIP Conference Proceedings.
        international conference of numerical analysis 2021 and applied mathematics, v. 2849, 110003-1, 110003-4.
82. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Tasca, G. H. (2023)
        Comparison Between Genomic Sequences of SARS-CoV 2 Virus: Original Versus P.1 Variant
        AIP Conference Proceedings.
        international conference of numerical analysis 2021 and applied mathematics, v. 2849, 110001-1, 110001-4.
81. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.(2023)
        A Stochastic Characterization of Omicron Variant of SARS-CoV 2 Virus.
        In: Skiadas, C.H., Skiadas, C. (eds) Quantitative Demography and Health Estimates. The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis, vol 55. Springer, Cham; 2023; 91-104.
80. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Alvaro MMK. (2023)
        Statistical dependence and shape of Young tableau
        4open, 6, 4.
79. González-López, V. A.; Litvinoff Justus V. (2023)
        A method for the elicitation of copulas
        4open, 6, 2.
78. González-López, V. A.; Litvinoff Justus V. (2022)
        Conditional independence and predictive copula
        4open, 5, 20.
77. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Tasca, G. H.(2022)
        Multiple partition Markov model for B.1.1.7, B.1.351, B.1.617.2, and P.1 variants of SARS CoV 2 virus.
        Computational Statistics
76. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Tasca, G. H.; Yaginuma, K. Y. (2022)
        An Efficient Coding Technique for Stochastic Processes.
        Entropy, 24(1):65.
75. González-López, V. A.; Rodrigues de Moraes, R.
        Identificação do Impacto da Ruptura de Barragens de Rejeitos (forthcoming)
74. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Tasca, G. H. (2022)
        Stochastic Comparison Between the Original SARS-CoV 2 Genetic Structure and SARS-CoV 2 - P.1 Variant.
        In: Skiadas, C.H., Skiadas, C. (eds) Quantitative Methods in Demography. The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis, vol 52. Springer, Cham.
73. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A. (2022)
        Americas Zika Virus and Its Similarities with African and Asian Lineages.
        In: Skiadas, C.H., Skiadas, C. (eds) Quantitative Methods in Demography. The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis, vol 52. Springer, Cham.
72. González-López, V. A.; Picanço, J. L.; Rodrigues de Moraes, R. (2022)
        Semi-Parametric Copula-Based Estimation of Risk of Tailings Dams
        AIP Conference Proceedings.
        international conference of numerical analysis 2020 and applied mathematics, v. 2425, 420001
71. Lanfredi Viola, M. L.; García, J. E.; González-López, V. A. (2022)
        Conditional Independence between Markov Random Fields
        AIP Conference Proceedings.
        international conference of numerical analysis 2020 and applied mathematics, v. 2425, 420002
70. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Tasca, G. H. (2022)
        A Stochastic Inspection about Genetic Variants of Covid-19 Circulating in Brazil during 2020
        AIP Conference Proceedings.
        international conference of numerical analysis 2020 and applied mathematics, v. 2425, 230002
69. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.(2020)
        Robust Minimal Markov Model for Dengue Virus Type 3
        In: Skiadas C.H., Skiadas C. (eds) Demography of Population Health, Aging and Health Expenditures. The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis, vol 50. Springer, Cham.
68. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A. (2020)
        Random Permutations, Non-Decreasing Subsequences and Statistical Independence
        Symmetry, 12(9).
67. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Tasca, G. H. (2020)
        Partition Markov Model for Covid-19 Virus
        4open, 3, 13.
66. Canno Ferreira Fais L. M. ; González-López, V. A.; Rodrigues, D. S. ; Rodrigues de Moraes, R. (2020)
        A copula based representation for tailings dam failures
        4open, 3, 12.
65. González-López, V. A.; Rodrigues de Moraes, R. (2020)
        A copula-based quantifying of the relationship between race inequality among neighbourhoods in São Paulo and age at death
        4open, 3, 11.
64. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Silva, H. H.; Soares Silva, T. (2020)
        Risk of fraud classification
        4open, 3, 9.
63. Cordeiro, M. T. A.; García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Londoño, S. L. M. (2020)
        Partition Markov model for multiple processes
        Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, v. 43, Issue 13, p. 7677-7691.
62. García, J. E.; Gholizadeh, R.; González-López, V. A.(2020)
        Comparison of Stochastic Processes
        Data Analysis and Applications 4: Financial Data Analysis and Methods, V. 6
61. González-López, V. A.; Rodrigues de Moraes, R. (2020)
        A Bayesian copula-based modelling for income concentration and inequality indexes
        AIP Conference Proceedings.
        international conference of numerical analysis 2019 and applied mathematics, v. 2293, 160004
60. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Soares Silva, T; Dias D. H. (2020)
        Discrete representation of an annual precipitation process
        AIP Conference Proceedings.
        international conference of numerical analysis 2019 and applied mathematics, v. 2293, 160003
59. Fernández, M.; García, J. E.; Gholizadeh, R.; González-López, V. A.(2019)
        Sample selection procedure in daily trading volume processes
        Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, v. 43, Issue 13, p. 7537-7549.
58. Cordeiro, M. T. A.; García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Londoño, S. L. M.(2019)
        Stochastic profile of Epstein-Barr virus in nasopharyngeal carcinoma settings
        4open, 2, 25.
57. Cordeiro, M. T. A.; García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Londoño, S. L. M.(2019)
        Classification of autochthonous dengue virus type 1 strains circulating in Japan in 2014
        4open, 2, 20.
56. Cunha, C.; Fernández, M.; García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Romano, N.(2019)
        A copula-based consistency analysis of education indicators
        4open, 2, 19.
55. González-López, V. A.; Piovesana, M. C.; Romano, N.(2019)
        Tail conditional probabilities to predict academic performance
        4open, 2, 18.
54. González-López, V. A.; Rodrigues, N; Romano, N.(2019)
        Upper tail dependence between rates of sexually transmitted diseases and rates of unemployment/poverty
        AIP Conference Proceedings.
        international conference of numerical analysis 2018 and applied mathematics, v. 2116, 130004
53. González-López, V. A.; Rodrigues, N; Romano, N.(2019)
        Copula model between rates of sexually transmitted diseases and rates of unemployment
        AIP Conference Proceedings.
        international conference of numerical analysis 2018 and applied mathematics, v. 2116, 130003
52. García, J. E.; Gholizadeh, R.; González-López, V. A.(2018)
        A BIC based consistent metric between Markovian processes
        Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 34(6), 868.
51. Fernández, M.; González-López, V. A.(2018)
        Cumulative Conditional Expectation Index
        Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 18(2), 387.
50. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Londoño, S. L. M.; Cordeiro, M. T. A.(2018)
        Similarity between Strains of Zika from Tropical and Subtropical Regions
        Proceedings of 5th Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis International Conference with Demographics Workshop, 235-258.
        Published by International Society for the Advancement of Science and Technology (ISAST)
49. García, J. E.; Gholizadeh, R.; González-López, V. A.(2018)
        Stochastic Distance between Burkitt Lymphoma/Leukemia Strains
        Demography and Health Issues, 143.
48. Fernández, M.; García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Romano, N.(2018)
        Bayesian sensitivity analysis for asymmetric copulas with cubic sections
        AIP Conference Proceedings, v. 1978, 170002.
47. Fernández, M.; García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Romano, N.; Tessler, J. F.(2018)
        Foreign exchange dependence through different copula models
AIP Conference Proceedings, v. 1978, 170003.
46. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Kubo de Andrade, F. H.(2018)
        Inspecting discrepancies between industrial processes
AIP Conference Proceedings, v. 1978, 170004.
45. Fernández, M.; García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Viola, M. L. L. (2017)
        Full Interaction Partition Estimation in Stochastic Processes
Stochastic Modelling and Applications, 21(1), 31.
44. García, J. E.; Gholizadeh, R.; González-López, V. A.(2017)
        Linguistic compositions highly volatile in Portuguese
        Cadernos de Estudos Linguisticos, 59(3), 617.
43. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.(2017)
        Consistent Estimation of Partition Markov Models
        Entropy, 19(4), 160.
42. Fernández, M.; García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.(2017)
        A copula-based partition Markov procedure
        Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods.
Free Copy
41. Fernández, M.; García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Romano, N.(2017)
        Right tail increasing dependence between scores
        AIP Conference Proceedings.
        14th international conference of numerical analysis and applied mathematics, v. 1863, 220004
40. Fernández, M.; González-López, V. A.; Hergert, B. S.(2017)
        Prediction through a Gumbel Barnett copula
        AIP Conference Proceedings.
        14th international conference of numerical analysis and applied mathematics, v. 1863, 220003
39. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Kubo de Andrade, F. H.(2017)
        Dissimilarity between Markovian processes applied to industrial processes
        AIP Conference Proceedings.
        14th international conference of numerical analysis and applied mathematics, v. 1863, 220002
38. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.(2016)
        Markov Partition Models for Epstein Barr Virus
        Stochastic and Data Analysis Methods and Applications in Statistics and Demography (in chapter 5, page 217).
37. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.(2016)
        Optimal Partition of Markov Models and Automatic Classification of Languages
        Stochastic and Data Analysis Methods and Applications in Statistics and Demography (in chapter 5, page 207).
36. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Nelsen, R. B. (2016)
        The Structure of the Class of Maximum Tsallis-Havrda-Chavát Entropy Copulas
        Entropy, 18(7), 264.
35. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Simis, M.; Terranova, T.; Battistella, L.R. (2016)
        A New Test in the Longest Increasing Subsequence Family of Independence Tests
        Stochastic Modelling and Applications, 20(1), 35-53.
34. González-López, V. A.; Gholizadeh, R.; Galarza, C. E. (2016)
        E-Bayesian Estimation for System Reliability and Availability Analysis based on Exponential Distribution
        Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation.
33. González-López, V. A.; Gholizadeh, R.; Shirazi, A. M. (2016)
        Optimization of Queuing Theory Based on Vague Environment
        International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications (IJFSA), 5(1), 1-26.
32. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A. (2016)
        Independence Test for Sparse Data
        AIP Conference Proceedings.
        13th international conference of numerical analysis and applied mathematics, v. 1738, 140002
31. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Viola, M. L. L. (2016)
        Copula-Based Analysis of Rhythm
        AIP Conference Proceedings.
       13th international conference of numerical analysis and applied mathematics, v. 1738, 140004
30. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Hirsh, I. D. (2016)
        Copula-Based Prediction of Economic Movements
        AIP Conference Proceedings.
        13th international conference of numerical analysis and applied mathematics, v. 1738, 140005
29. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A. (2015)
        Detecting regime changes in Markov models
        New Trends in Stochastic Modeling and Data Analysis (in chapter 2, page 103).
28. Fernández, M.; García, J. E.; González-López, V. A. (2015)
        Multivariate Markov chain predictions adjusted with copula models
        New Trends in Stochastic Modeling and Data Analysis (in chapter 8, page 389).
27. Bianchi, M.C.C.; Fernandes-Svartman, F.; Fernández, M.; González-López, V. A. (2015)
        Confidence bands in Kendall plots
        AIP Conference Proceedings.
       12th international conference of numerical analysis and applied mathematics, v. 1648, 060004
26. Fernández, M.; González-López, V. A. (2015)
        Bounds for the cumulative conditional expectation function
        AIP Conference Proceedings.
        12th international conference of numerical analysis and applied mathematics, v. 1648, 060002
25. Fernández, M.; González-López, V. A.; Rifo, L.L.R. (2015)
        A note on conjugate distributions for copulas.
        Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, v. 38, Issue 18, p. 4797-4803.
24. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A. (2014)
        Independence tests for continuous random variables based on the longest increasing subsequence.
        Journal of Multivariate Analysis, v. 127 p. 126-146.
23. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A. and Viola, M. L. L. (2014)
        Robust Model Selection for Stochastic Processes.
        Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods v. 43, Issue 10-12, p. 2516-2526.
22. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A. (2014)
        Modeling of acoustic signal energies with a generalized Frank copula. A linguistic conjecture is reviewed.
        Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods v. 43, Issue 10-12, p. 2034-2044.
21. Abaurre, M. B ; Sandalo, F. ; González-López, V. A. (2014)
        Apagamento vocálico e binariedade no português: uma investigação baseada em preditivas Bayesianas.
       DELTA, v.30 n.1 p. 01-21.
20. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Nelsen, R. B. (2013)
        A New Index to Measure Positive Dependence in Trivariate Distributions.
        Journal of Multivariate Analysis, v. 115, p. 481-495.
19. Fernández, M.; González-López, V. A. (2013)
        A Bayesian approach for convex combination of two Gumbel-Barnett copulas.
        AIP Conference Proceedings.
        11th international conference of numerical analysis and applied mathematics, v. 1558. p. 1491-1494.
18. Fernández, M.; González-López, V. A. (2013)
        A copula model to analyze minimum admission scores.
        AIP Conference Proceedings.
       11th international conference of numerical analysis and applied mathematics, v. 1558. p. 1487-1490.
17. Frota, S.; Vigario, M.; Galves, C. M. C.; González-López, V. A.; Abaurre, M. B. (2012)
        The phonology of rhythm from Classical to Modern Portuguese.
        Journal of Historical Linguistics, 2:2, p. 173-207.
16. Rifo, L. L. R. and González-López, V. A. (2012)
        Full Bayesian analysis for a model of tail dependence.
        Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods v. 41, p. 4107-4123.
15. Fernandes-Svartman, F. R.; Abaurre, M. B; González-López, V. A.; Bianchi, M. C. (2012)
        Secondary stress, intensity and fundamental frequency in Brazilian Portuguese.
        Journal of Portuguese Linguistics, v. 11, p. 51
14. González-López, V. A.; Singer, J. M.; Tanaka, N. I.; Lima, A. C. P. (2012)
        A Bayesian Test for the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient.
        AIP Conference Proceedings: 11th Brazilian Bayesian Statistics Meeting. v. 1490. p. 171-178.
13. García, J. E.; González-López, V. A.; Viola, M. L. L.(2012)
        Robust model selection and the statistical classification of languages.
        AIP Conference Proceedings: 11th Brazilian Bayesian Statistics Meeting. v. 1490. p. 160-170.
12. García, J. E., González-López, V. A., Viola, M. L. L. (2012)
        Model selection for multivariate stochastic processes
        Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Information Theoretic Methods in Science and Engineering. Amsterdam. v.1. p.69 - 71
11. García, J. E., González-López, V. A., Viola, M. L. L.(2012)
        Robust model selection for stochastic processes
        Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Information Theoretic Methods in Science and Engineering. Amsterdam. v.1. p.79 - 81
10. García, J. E., González-López, V. A.(2011)
        Minimal Markov Models
        Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Information Theoretic Methods in Science and Engineering. Helsinki. v.1. p.25 - 28
9. García, J. E., González-López, V. A. (2010)
        Minimal Markov Models
8. García, J. E., González-López, V. A. (2009)
        A nonparametric independence test using random permutations
7. Fernandes-Svartman, F. R., Abaurre, M. B, González-López, V. A. (2008)
        Acento secundário e intensidade em português brasileiro
        CELSUL Encontro do Círculo de Estudos Lingüísticos do Sul. Pelotas. RS: EDUCAT, v.1. p.1 - 18
6. Singer, J. M.; Lima, A. C. P.; Tanaka, N. I.; González-López, V. A.(2007)
        Triplicate or not to triplicate?.
        Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, v. 86, p. 82-85.
5. González-López, V. A., Tanaka, N. I. (2003)
        Bi-variate Data Modeling Through Generalized Archimedean Copula.
        Link (Biblioteca Prof. Carlos Benjamin de Lyra)
4. González-López, V. A., Tanaka, N. I. (2001)
        Characterization of copula and its relationships with TP2(RR2) association.
        Link(Biblioteca Prof. Carlos Benjamin de Lyra)
3. González-López, V. A., Tanaka, N. I. (2001)
        Dependence structures and a posterior distributions.
        Link(Biblioteca Prof. Carlos Benjamin de Lyra)
2. González-López, V. A., Tanaka, N. I. (2000)
        Maximal Association, Frechet Bounds and Homotopy in Prediction.
        Link (Biblioteca Prof. Carlos Benjamin de Lyra)
1. Esteves, L.G.; Wechsler, S.; Leite, J.G.; González-López, V. A. (2000)
        DeFinettian Consensus.
        Theory and Decision. v. 49, p. 79-96,

Statistical software

1. fgac
2. mlCopulaSelection
3. LIStest
4. IntraClassCoefficient
5. Uranio


1. Statistic (general): ME111 ME173 ME180 ME203 ME414 ME480 OpenCourseWare BasicStatistics ME093
2. Probability (basic level): ME210
3. Statistical Inference: ME322 (classical) ME705 (Bayesian) ME706 (Robust)
4. Computational Methods in Statistics: ME524
5. An Introduction to Copula theory: ME601 ME701
6. Scientific initiation: ME630 ME730
7. Applied Statistics (stage): ME710 ME810
8. Statistical Inference (Post-graduation): MI402 MI677
9. Asymptotic Theory (Post-graduation): MI678
10. Discrete Mathematics (Post-graduation): MN012
11. Probability (Post-graduation): MI401


Mariela Fernandez. Modelos de cópulas para geração de indicadores educacionais, 2015

Gustavo Henrique Tasca. Modelos markovianos de partição e suas generalizações 2021
Marcos Tadeu Andrade Cordeiro. Metrica para Multiplos Processos Estocasticos 2021
Ramin Gholi zadeh. A BIC-Based Distance Between Stochastic Processes 2018
Marcio Luis Lanfredi Viola. Tópicos em Seleção de Modelos Markovianos, 2011 (Co-adviser)

1. Vinicius Litvinoff Justus. Modeling Structural Causal Equations via Copulas, 2024
2. Johsac Isbac Gomez Sanchez. Métrica Baseada no Critério de Determinação Eficiente, para a Estimação do Modelo Markoviano de Partição, 2023
3. Alexandre Henrique Soares. Uso do jogo Bozo na sala de aula, 2021
4. Rafael Rodrigues de Moraes. Eventos Caudais na Prática. Modelagem Bayesiana via Copulas, 2020
5. Flávio de Oliveira Silva. Padrão de Desempenho de Indicadores Educacionais em Escolas Estaduais do Municipio de Pouso Alegre, Minas Gerais, 2020
6. Thainá Soares Silva. Similaridades entre Processos de Markov, 2020
7. Tiago da Silva Fonseca. Percepções Estudantis Escolares sobre a Realidade Escolar e Disciplinas Curriculares, 2020
8. César Carlos Camelo da Cunha. Estudo sobre Componentes do IDESP na cidade de Guarulhos, 2017
9. José Adolfo de Almeida Schultz. FGM e sua Generalizações sob um Ponto de Vista Bayesiano, 2011
10. Marta Cristina Colozza Bianchi. Teste grafico para o ajuste de copulas arquimedianas usando variaveis BIPIT: um estudo de simulação, 2008
11. Marcio Luis Lanfredi Viola. Teoria de Valores Extremos e Copulas: Distribuição Valor Extremo e Copulas Arquimedianas Generalizadas Trivariadas, 2006
12. James Dean Oliveira dos Santos Junior. Discussões sobre a relação entre distribuições de cauda pesada e conflitos de informação em inferência bayesiana, 2007 (Co-adviser)

Scientific Initiation
1. Rodrigo Caldiron. A utilidade como estratégia para a identificação de decisões ótimas em jogos de soma zero, 2024.
2. Akemi Vanessa Higa Hayashi. Compreendendo as Perspectivas dos Estudantes da Unicamp na Pandemia de Covid 19, 2022.
3. Vinicius Litvinoff Justus. As Representações de De Finetti, 2022.
4. Marcos Vinicios Minucci Scarpim. Caracterização de estilos musicais mediante Modelos Minimos de Markov, 2013.
5. Liamarcia Vicente Bifano. Utilização de m-plicatas reduzindo custos. Uma abordagem Bayesiana, 2011
6. Thiago Cedran Santos. Desempenho do Teste LIS em Imagens Astronomicas, 2012.

1. Statistical Inference in Copula Models and Markov Processes IX, 2024
2. Statistical Inference in Copula Models and Markov Processes VIII, 2023
3. Statistical Inference in Copula Models and Markov Processes VII, 2022
4. 16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics and VI Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing, 2022 (EBEB-LACSC 2022)
5. Statistical Inference in Copula Models and Markov Processes VI, 2021
6. Statistical Inference in Copula Models and Markov Processes V, 2020
7. Statistical Inference in Copula Models and Markov Processes IV, 2019
8. Statistical Inference in Copula Models and Markov Processes III, 2018
9. Statistical Inference in Copula Models and Markov Processes II, 2017
10. Statistical Inference in Copula Models and Markov Processes, 2016 Poster
11. 3rd Symposium on Highlights in Copula Modeling, 2015 Poster
12. Business and Industrial Statistics Meeting, with Focus on Quality Control and Improvement Emanuel Pimentel Barbosa (1951-2014), In Memoriam, 2015 Photos ISBIS
13. Second Symposium on Highlights in Copula Modeling, 2014
14. Satellite Copula Workshop -Unicamp, 2013
15. Highlights in Copula Modeling, 2013
16. IV Seminario Inovações em Atividades Curriculares, 2013
17. Sixth Brazilian Conference on Statistical Modelling in Insurance and Finance, 2013
18. III Seminário de Inovações Curriculares: experiências no ensino superior, 2011
19. Fifth Brazilian Conference on Statistical Modelling in Insurance and Finance, 2011
20. The 1st Conference on Applied Probability and Statistical Methods/ The 7th Conference on Multivariate Distributions with Applications, 2010
21. II Seminário Inovações em Atividades Curriculares: Experiências na Unicamp, 2009

Services to University/Scientific Communities
1. 2025-2029: Elected Council Member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI)
2. 2021-: Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI)
3. 2021-current: Elected Council Member of the University Board of University of Campinas
4. 2023-2024: Past Chairperson of Latin American Regional Section (LARS) of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC)
5. 2021-2022: Chairperson of Latin American Regional Section (LARS) of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC)
6. 2021-2022: Treasurer of Brazilian Chapter of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBrA)
7. 2019-2020: Chairperson Elect of Latin American Regional Section (LARS) of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC)
8. 2010-2014: Associate Dean of the Instituto de Matemática Estatística e Computação Científica
9. 2008-2010: Vice President of the "Comissão Central de Graduação Unicamp"
10. 2007-2010: Coordinator of Undergraduate Program in Statistics
11. 2005-2006: Vice-Coordinator of Undergraduate Program in Statistics
12. 2003-        : Professor University of Campinas
13. 2000-2000: Teacher in San Andrés University

1. 2018-: Livre-Docente -USP
2. 2001-2003: Postdoctoral Position in USP
3. 2000-2000: Postdoctoral Position in UBA
4. 1995-1999: Postgraduate Studies
5. 1989-1995: Undergraduate Studies