Rafael Rabelo

Rafael Rabelo


Bachelor and Master of Physics by Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Ph.D. in Physics by Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore. Assistant Professor at Condensed Matter Physics department of “Gleb Wataghin” Physics Institute, University of Campinas. My main research interests are the foundations of quantum theory — in particular, entanglement and nonlocality — and their applications to quantum information and computation.

MFQ Publications

Trade-off relations between Bell nonlocality and local Kochen-Specker contextuality in generalized Bell scenarios

Authors: Lucas E. A. Porto, Gabriel Ruffolo, Rafael Rabelo, Marcelo Terra Cunha, Pawel Kurzynski

Published in: New Journal of Physics

Date: Aug 2024

Quantum non-classicality in the simplest causal network

Authors: Pedro Lauand, Davide Poderini, Rafael Rabelo, Rafael Chaves

Published in: Preprint

Date: Jan 2024

The quantum maxima for the basic graphs of exclusivity are not reachable in Bell scenarios

Authors: Lucas E. A. Porto, Rafael Rabelo, Marcelo Terra Cunha, Adán Cabello

Published in: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A

Date: Jan 2023

Witnessing Non-Classicality in a Simple Causal Structure with Three Observable Variables

Authors: Pedro Lauand, Davide Poderini, Ranieri Nery, George Moreno, Lucas Pollyceno, Rafael Rabelo, Rafael Chaves

Published in: Preprint

Date: Jan 2022

Synchronous observation of Bell nonlocality and state-dependent Kochen-Specker contextuality

Authors: Lei Xiao, Gabriel Ruffolo, André Mazzari, Tassius Temistocles, Marcelo Terra Cunha, Rafael Rabelo, Peng Xue

Published in: Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 040201 (2023)

Date: Jan 2022

Interplays between classical and quantum entanglement-assisted communication scenarios

Authors: Carlos Vieira, Carlos de Gois, Lucas Pollyceno, Rafael Rabelo

Published in: Preprint

Date: Jan 2022

Entanglement-based quantum communication complexity beyond Bell nonlocality

Authors: Joseph Ho, George Moreno, Samuraí Brito, Francesco Graffitti, Christopher L. Morrison, Ranieri Nery, Alexander Pickston, Massimiliano Proietti, Rafael Rabelo, Alessandro Fedrizzi, Rafael Chaves

Published in: npj Quantum Information

Date: Jun 2021

Quantum communication complexity beyond Bell nonlocality

Authors: Joseph Ho, George Moreno, Samuraí Brito, Francesco Graffitti, Christopher L. Morrison, Ranieri Nery, Alexander Pickston, Massimiliano Proietti, Rafael Rabelo, Alessandro Fedrizzi, Rafael Chaves

Published in: Preprint

Date: Jun 2021

General Method for classicality certification in the prepare and measure scenario

Authors: Carlos de Gois, George Moreno, Ranieri Nery, Samuraí Brito, Rafael Chaves, Rafael Rabelo

Published in: PRX Quantum 2, 030311 (2021)

Date: Jan 2021

Bounding the sets of classical and quantum correlations in networks

Authors: Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens, Rafael Rabelo, Łukasz Rudnicki, Rafael Chaves, Daniel Cavalcanti, Miguel Navascues, Antonio Acín

Published in: Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 140503 (2019)

Date: Apr 2019

General method for constructing local-hidden-variable models for entangled quantum states

Authors: Daniel Cavalcanti, Leonardo Guerini, Rafael Rabelo, Paul Skrzypczyk

Published in: Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 190401 (2016)

Date: Dec 2015

Multigraph approach to quantum non-locality

Authors: Rafael Rabelo, Cristhiano Duarte, Antonio J. Lopez-Tarrida, Marcelo Terra Cunha, Adan Cabello

Published in: J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47 (2014) 424021

Date: Jul 2014