Welcome to Jörg Schleicher's Spring Board


This page contains a list of places I feel worth visiting.

Let us start with a list of home pages of some friends and colleagues of mine (in alphabetical order of their given names):
Unfortunately, not very many friends and colleagues of mine have a home page, yet.

Here's a list of other geophysical sites in the WWW I'm related to in one way or another:
Here's a brief list of other interesting places in the WWW:

What you did not find above, you might find using help of the following sites:
That's all, folks, because, unfortunately, I've not been surfing the net very much until now.
These lists will, by the nature of the internet, remain forever incomplete. Due to changes in my taste and knowledge, some items will be included or removed after a while. To have a more interesting spring board available for my visitors, I'm grateful for any hints on further pages that you think I might consider interesting enough to be included in these lists.
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Last update of this page: April 5, 1999 Jörg Schleicher (js@ime.unicamp.br)