S. Wolfram. Mathematica: a system for doing mathematics by computer. 2.ed. Reading, Addison-Wesley, 1991. (IMECC/IFGW/BAE) N. Blachman. Mathematica: a practical approach. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1992. (IMECC/IFGW/BAE) T. Bahder. Mathematica for scientists and engineers. Reading, Addison-Wesley, 1995. (IMECC) M. Abell & J. Braselton. Mathematica by example. Cambridge, Halcourt-Brace, 1994. (IMECC) B. Davis; H. Porta; J. Uhl. Calculus & Mathematica. Reading, Addison-Wesley, 1994. (IMECC) R. Gaylord; S. Kamin; P. Wellin. An introduction to programming with Mathematica. 2.ed. New York, Springer, 1996. (IMECC/IFGW/BAE) A. Shuchat & F. Schultz. The joy of Mathematica. Reading, Addison-Wesley, 1994. (IMECC) |