In a few days a new version of GêBR suite, 0.9.16, will be released. There are so many new remarkable features, that we have decided to introduce them in a sequence of posts until the actual release.
To start with a big one, it has been added basic support to submit and query jobs on clusters managed by Moab. (Click here to read the rest of this entry)
Next February, Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, will hold a three-days long course on seismic processing and GêBR. This minicourse is part of the Mathematics Department’s Summer School. Both theory and practice will be approached. The course begins Feb. 10th.
Fews months after last release, a new one, 0.9.15, has come. It brings new functionalities for end users and developers. Besides, a great effort to correct bugs was done. As a consequence, the user shall notice a more stable seismic processing suite. (Click here to read the rest of this entry)