Follow the steps below to add the GêBR repository to your Ubuntu machine. Start by launching “Terminal”. Click on “Dash Home” and type Terminal on Search.
The location of the repository depends on your version of Ubuntu. Currently, the GêBR Project supports, at least, last three releases of Ubuntu. The location of each one is:
Ubuntu Lucid (10.04):
deb lucid contrib -
Ubuntu Natty (11.04):
deb natty contrib -
Ubuntu Oneiric (11.10):
deb oneiric contrib -
Ubuntu Precise (12.04):
deb precise contrib -
Ubuntu Quantal (12.10):
deb quantal contrib -
Ubuntu Trusty (14.04):
deb trusty contrib -
Ubuntu Xenial (16.04):
deb xenial contrib
Execute the following command on your Terminal to add GêBR repository on your list, replacing <DISTRO> by one of the supported releases of Ubuntu (lucid, natty, oneiric, precise, or quantal). You will have to enter your password to complete this action.
echo deb
m/pub/ubuntu `lsb_release -cs` contrib | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gebr.l ist
To trust GêBR packages, you need to install gebr.key:
sudo apt-key add gebr.key
GêBR depends on a library (Gdome) which is distributed through universe section of the official Ubuntu repository. Therefore it is necessary to enable that section. This is done by:
echo deb
m/ubuntu `lsb_release -cs` universe | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
Since there is a new repository, you need to refresh the list of available packages to include those from GêBR repository. To do that, execute the command:
sudo apt-get update
Now you can install GêBR, running the following command on Terminal:
sudo apt-get install gebr debr gebr-menus-su gebr-menus-shtools
After you conclude these steps, type “gebr” in the search entry of the “Dash Home” and GêBR will appear.
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